Monday, March 28, 2016

Happy Easter Monday.

Late blob, Easter edition.  Yesterday, besides being the celebration of our Lord’s resurrection and triumph over death, was my first day back on Facebook since the beginning of Lent.  I had been entertaining the idea of quitting Facebook for a while, so giving it up for Lent felt like a good opportunity to experiment with a Facebook-free life.  I hoped it would be like when I gave up AOL Instant Messenger (“AIM”, if you recall) for Lent my junior year of high school.  Before that, I was addicted to AIM.  I’d sign on as soon as I sat down to start my homework and log off just before I went to bed.  Of course, there were valuable chats with Kelsey, necessary homework discussions, and some fun, light cyber-bullying (everyone relax, we just made up a screen name to play an extended prank on a girl we knew…all before cyber bullying got such a bad name).  But there was also a lot of checking people’s away messages, staring at my buddy list wondering if my architecture camp crush would sign on so I could then agonize over whether or not to instant message (“IM”) him, etc.  After long, I realized it was an unproductive, soul-sucking hole, so I gave it up for Lent and never went back.  I was reborn.

That is my hope for my relationship with Facebook.  Facebook was less an addiction for me and more an infuriating habit.  I would wake up, check my email, then scroll through Facebook and inevitably get disgusted by some inanity on my newsfeed.  Really great way to start the day.  So, Facebook, be gone from my phone forever.  I think my Lenten sacrifice has done the trick.  I’ll check it occasionally from my computer to stalk my sister’s new boyfriend and to check for photos of my favorite babies of friends.  Otherwise, I can revel in my ignorance of what all my quasi-friends are up to.  My eyes will have to adjust to a lot less rolling.   

Happy Easter, y’all.

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