Sunday, November 6, 2016

Bob Ross is on Netflix.

Does everyone already know about this?  Such a soothing show.  I’d like to invite the hackers to replace Fox News with The Joy of Painting.  It would do the world so much good.  Bob Ross beats Sean Hannity and Bill O’F-ingReilly any day of the week.  I happen to have a small Russian readership—maybe you guys can make it happen.  (I know Donald Trump has you all very busy and this wouldn’t be in your national interest, but there have to be some of you who want to screw over Putin, right?)  Or we could just organize a national Joy of Painting watch party so everyone can calm the f down for 30 minutes (or 3 hours, as I did on Friday). 

I’ve been MIA from the blob as I was busy with final preparations for my office’s 50th anniversary party on Thursday.  It was a YUUUUGE success.  Yuge.  Believe me, it was the best party San Francisco, maybe the world, has ever seen.  Yuge. 

I had a bit to drink at the party, which led me to have some wild dreams on Thursday night (my boss having a Velcro beard, etc).  In one dream, I had a meeting with Chris Christie and made him cry.  I gave a quite moving “I’m not mad, just disappointed” speech regarding his support of Trump.  He got very choked up. 

So this brings us back to me nursing my hangover on Friday with the help of The Joy of Painting.  I am now recovered and back to the blob.  Stay tuned for my election wrap-up coverage. 

From all of us here, I’d like to wish you happy voting, and God bless, my friend.

1 comment:

  1. Additional required Bob Ross viewing: the "Happy Little Clouds" remix from PBS
