Thursday, January 8, 2015

The Blob

What is it about packing that makes my brain go, “Maybe you should write about how much you hate this”?  Misery while packing was a recurring theme of the Claire Blabbing blog (may it rest in peace).  Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you a new blog, because what better time is there to start a blog than when I am 65% packed for a cross-country move, occurring Saturday, with movers coming at 9am tomorrow?  There is no better time.  How else to capture the raw emotion of leaving Houston, this big, ugly, beautiful city I’ve grown to love, for San Francisco, unknown land of hippies and earthquakes?  What’s an anxiety-ridden Jersey girl to do?  The answer: not pack.  Sure, I will eventually get everything in boxes.  But it’s only 9:00.  The night is young.

While my packing aversion spurred me to write this first post, I have been considering a return to blogging for a while now.  I kept attempting to revive Claire Blabbing, but it just never felt right.  I am at peace with my decision to let it die.  New life, new blog.  I again will find myself in a foreign city with a somewhat inconvenient time difference from the East Coast (Beast Coast, as they say), so a blog feels like an efficient way to communicate.  As for the title Claire Blobbing, I used a similar approach to one I used for naming my childhood pet hermit crabs (Jaws, Claws, Jaws II, Claws II, etc).  I also drew inspiration from the mess that currently threatens my apartment and existence.  I suppose it may be time to tame the beast.

I may steal the tagline, though.