Wednesday, April 20, 2016

The first early blob.

Unprecedented thing—I am writing this post AHEAD of time.  It is the first early blob.  I am still going to schedule it to publish tomorrow for a reason that will reveal itself later.

Why am I writing early?  Two reasons.  Number one, tomorrow is opening day for the Architects, Contractors & Engineers Softball League of San Francisco.  Last year, we claimed the dubious prize of “First Place in the Non-Competitive Playoff”, which I think is equivalent to a participation trophy.  So we have middling success.  The contractors, being bigger, stronger, and scarier, consistently beat up on all the skinny architects and engineers.  While I’d like to think architects’ coolness advantage over engineers translates into softball wins, that is not always the case.  Tomorrow we play a team of contractors, so it may be a tough night for the defending Non-Competitive Playoff Champs. 

Number two, I am procrastinating studying for my Building Systems exam (aptly abbreviated “BS”).  I’m supposed to study electrical systems tonight, but I’m having trouble relocating from the couch to the desk.  On Saturday, when I was supposed to study plumbing systems, somehow I ended up taking a six-hour nap.  So motivation has been a tough thing to muster.  I’m very ready to be done with these tests.  Two more to go, then the California exam, then I will be an architect.  Why does it take longer to become an architect than it does to become a doctor…we do not get paid nearly enough for this.

Anyways, in honor of my flooded, beloved Houston and Way Back Wednesday (which I thought I invented until I just googled it), I will close with one of my all-time favorite Youtube videos.  I remember seeing this on the news while we waited for Hurricane Ike to make landfall.  I’m so glad it’s on Youtube.  It just tickles me.  I may account for all 79,000 views.

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