Wednesday, June 8, 2016

And so the trip begins.

(Warning: I am in jet lag fog.)

Gutentag from the Frankfurt Airport, which is a doozy of a place. Will and I are on a 6 hour layover here, so we decided to take the train into the city center and walk around. Sounds like a simple exercise, but our search for the exit/tourist info booth/train tickets was a comical ordeal. I blame jet lag and bad signage. After ONE AND A HALF HOURS and several misguided escalator rides, we finally escaped the airport.

My ride on the struggle bus began back in San Francisco, when I put my pants on backwards this morning (yesterday morning?) and wore them to work that way. The ride continued when I boarded the plane at SFO and realized I left my office softball sweatshirt on the back of the chair at our gate. Goodbye, sweatshirt. Hopefully our arrival in Italy in a few hours will cleanse me of my bad luck.

Frankfurt doesn't have too much going on, but it was nice to get outside. (I was going to write "get some fresh air" but that would not do justice to the uniquely European BO that pervades the atmosphere.)

I will leave you with something that Will and I particularly enjoyed on our train ride back to the airport:

Item 1: More cheese.

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