Wednesday, February 3, 2016

I object.

Many of you may know that Super Bowl 50 is coming to the Bay.  It’s been causing all sorts of road closures and traffic issues in downtown San Francisco this week, which seems odd to me, as the actual game will be played down in Santa Clara on Sunday.  Regardless, lots of people have come to town to enjoy the pre-Super Bowl festivities, which presents wonderful opportunities for PROTESTERS.  I enjoyed the email we got at work today warning us about added traffic problems due to upcoming protests.

I admit I am very curious about Bloodstained Men & Their Friends, but am too afraid to google them.

On a mildly related note, I just had a great idea for a business venture.  Why is no one producing Ted Cruz punching bags?  

Don't punch the messenger bag.

Usually when I have these ideas, someone has already done it.  (For example, I wanted to make a blog called “Right to Bear Arms” and would photoshop bear arms onto various political figures.  But apparently other people have already thought of this joke.  I may still do it.)    Elevator pitch: “Need a break from Feeling the Bern?  Try Punching the Ted!”  I imagine I could get some investors out here.

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